Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Fight

 When will they hear us and respond/

When will we receive more than tokenisum?

When will everyone have equal rights?

Why can't we fix the world?

Why can't we make a start?

Why do we have to be loud to be acknowlged?

I pray for an end to red tape.

I pray for more kindness and compassion.

I pray for better and more understanding world leaders.

Till change in our leaders happens I will keep fighting.

Till the homeless have safe homes.

Till animals are treated with love and aren't used for human pleasure.

Till we stop hurting the land we live on and make real amends for it's brutal stealing.

Till everyone is activtly listened to by those in power and are involved in solving problems.

I will not give up the fight! Are you with me? 

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Cat Calling

 Your call

For you was two secs

For me it was upward hackles

Made me want to get better at self defence 

Wish I wasn't wearing yoga pants 

Second call made me feel more angry that I felt this way

I wanted to enjoy my walk

To feel that relaxation. 

But not today.

That was not asked for. 

Can't I just feel safe in my neigbourhood?

As long as your attitude remains

I can't walk this way

Yoga pants are not so you stare at me.

I wore them to feel comfortable on my walk.

Not so you could make me feel unsafe and insecure. 

The only person allowed to comment on how nice the pants make my bum look is lying in the bed next to me each night. 

Through trust, affection and respect of me as a full person. 

This is the sort of man I married. 

Unless you change your attitude towards women,  your not going to know the many privileges of marriage. 

If you are, than I'm sorry for your wife.

Do better. 

I'm not a dog to be whistled at.

Nor a paining being admired.

I'm a human being who should get to relax walking in her yoga pants at 5:30 pm and any other time of night. 

It's not as funny as you think.

Cat calling instills fear, is an act of verbal aggression, and isn't at all friendly or a complement.
