Friday, April 19, 2019

In His Hands

Lord, who would I be without you?
How would I see the world?
What would fill my heart?

Time and time again temptations.
Time and time again questions.

Where should I find my motivation?
Why do I even gather with your people?
Will this questioning end?


To everything there is a season.
The season of questioning has finished.

Here I am with you, safe and loved.
Here I am my Father, saved by grace.
Here I am to worship, just as I am in you.

Thank You that nothing can clutch me from your hands.
Welcomed as one of your beloved children.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


Happiness is a learned thing.
Learn what, where, why and when.

Happiness is a choice.
Choose to be contented, not to dwell, but to look ahead.

Happiness is when we discover.
Be fascinated by the little sparks in the dark.

It is hard to be happy.
But I urge you, do not give up.

When you tire of searching call to the people who bring you joy.
Those who will stand by you in ups and downs.

Oh Lord, thank you for blessing us with other people.
The happiness I find in you is boundless.