Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Dedication: To everyone who has experienced mental illness, this is from me to you...

Darkness doesn't discriminate.
It can take anyone.
So what can we do?

We don't always recognise what is consuming us.
We don't always recognise the way we think is warped.

When we do...
A friend or family member expressing concern.
A colleague gently taking us to one side.
An outsider asking the question; are you okay?
You seem...

Just remember that no matter how fearful, ashamed,
lost, alone, confused, or angry you are.
You are not alone.

What you're going through is by no means uncommon.
Friend or family member.
Colleague or outsider.
We understand, because it takes one to know one.

No need to be ashamed.
Feel free to stretch out your hand.
We can show you the way.
After all, we've come this way before.
I've come this way before.

The Lord my God is the light to the path on which I tread.
He said "it is not good for man to be alone".
He said "it is finished".
He said "that whoever believes believes in me shall not die but have eternal life".

Jesus sent his disciples out in twos.
Jesus has given us the Holy Spirit.
Jesus has given us hope of  a day when her will wipe away every tear.

Faith in Jesus and his promises means hope and security and forgiveness.
It means knowing where we are headed as brothers and sisters in Christ.
The rod there is not always easy, but that is why we travel there together.