Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Upon The Beach of Grief

Grief comes in five waves of
emotions caused by
treacherous winds of pain and

Grief causes unique reactions in
individuals triggering
transformations and
determinations within the
individuals dampened
by this tide of

 When bearing up to such an
experience these individuals
endeavour to uncover
for themselves the right sort of
towel in which to wrap the
pain and confusion that is caused by
this rather
debilitating disorder.

The trouble is; there is only one that
will truly dry one and
not disappoint.

Only one that will not become threadbare
and leave one with little or no protection
against the great gusts of despair as they
essay to entangle and an entrap one in it's
dull-full tries.

This is the ever reliable,
unmistakable and comforting,
fortifying towel of
God's grace.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Be Wary Of Words


They can be innocent, soothing, hasty,
harmless, reckless, and perplexing all at the same time,
and even within the same breath.

We speak abruptly, and with careful consideration.
Both of which have consequences.

For with a word you can change a mind, wound a soul, and warm a heart.
All this is done with tools of communication - the spoken and written.
Indeed it was once observed that we use our tongues
to both praise our Lord and curse our fellow man.

Words are used by different people to achieve two very different purposes.
Some, use words to deliberately cause humiliation and hurt to those around them.
Others use this gift of vocabulary to build people up.

Remember, that the words that we use
to belittle or to encourage
come from the same mouth.
One made by our loving Father in heaven.
Formed that we too, might impart
to others our thoughts and emotions.

So be wary of the words that you chose.
Use the unique gift of speech wisely.
For some, sadly, do not possess such a privilege.