Tuesday, August 16, 2016

A Lightened Load 

'Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others'
Philippians 2:4

I have been guilty of the former, particularly of recent date.
I got so wrapped up in my wants, my needs, and my pain that I could not emerge from them.
Absorbed by my own interests, I could no longer look to those of others,
feeling and showing concern for them.

Now, once again, I awoke deeply concerned, and tried to untangle myself.
Yet I could not do this.
So I turned to my saviour and my God.
I pleaded with him to free me from my apathy.
He showed me grace and taught me to trust him, and to feel again.

A weight fell off me and I was reminded of the story of Eustace from 'The Chronicles of Narnia'.
Of when he needed  Aslan to remove the scales from him
to become human again, for he could not do this for himself.
As each layer came off I felt my muscles relax, and my breathing return to normal.

I thank you, my Father, for freeing me from my sin, and keeping me safe.
I will rejoice in you -