Sunday, August 27, 2017


Dear Heavenly Father,

Thankyou that you value me.
Thankyou for sending your son to die,
because you value me.
Thankyou that you don't give up on me 
as I give up on you.

Thankyou that you give your children each other. 
Thankyou that you know the road isn't always easy.
Thankyou for giving us the Holy Spirit, to help us fight
sin, fear and despair, with hope, light, and life with you. 

Thankyou that you care for us without reward.
Thankyou that your gifts are abundant. 
Thankyou that you use the weak to help the strong.
Thankyou that you equip us to do your work,
of spreading the gospel side by side. 

Thankyou for all the reasons that you give me 
to smile, dance, and sing for joy. 
Thankyou that when a Christian dies, we; 
as fellow members of Christ's body have tears falling on to smiles. 
Thankyou for giving us the hope and promise that one day,
when we are all gathered around your throne, you will wipe away every tear.
Thankyou that you can be relied on to keep your promises.


Friday, August 18, 2017

In His Orchestra

We are all God's instruments.

Which one are you?
How does he play you?

Does he tune you when you need it?
Does he sooth you with the oil of his word?

Will he ever leave you alone in your case?
Will he forget that you're there?

Does our Father give up searching for the lost?
Will God ever give up on his children when we play the wrong note?

No, he will not stop caring for us. 

Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Some find waiting difficult.
Some jump at their first option rather than wait.
Some do this in small ways until they magnify. 

We become easily impatient in this fast-paced world. 
Everything must be done now.

Waiting on others, we are tapping our feet.
Waiting for a holiday, we are working hard.
Waiting on God, we are questioning how long?

When I think of waiting on God
I remember those who have done likewise.

Abraham and Sarah waiting for a child.
David waiting for God to deliver him from many perils.
The Israelites waiting to return to the promised land.  
Simeon waiting for the promised Messiah till old age.
The disciples waiting for the Holy Spirit.
And Christians now and over the years waiting for Jesus to return and restore.

God may take his time to fulfill his promises and answer our prayers.
But his timing is never late, it's just when he carefully planned it to happen.
If we try to rush and hurry things along it may not turn out as well.

So be patient and wait for God.
Unlike other people in life he can be relied upon.