Thursday, April 16, 2020

The Disciples

The Disciples
Here they wait on Easter Saturday.
They are huddled together in silence.
What will happen next?

They question in the darkness.
Will he rise? Really?
Did he really say, 'I will rise in three days'?

But that was the devil whispering.
Like he did many a time before.
Yet this time he is whimpering.

If you listen, you hear him.
As he is slowly crushed by the foot of the one above him.
We stand and sit in awe of Jesus, the one who will crush the devil.

Jesus... the one who rose again.
The one who keeps his promises.
So, it will be as God promised in the beginning.

As it says in Genesis 3:15
'he will crush your head and
you will strike his heal.'

'Really?' is not going to convince God's people.
We stand or sit together, virtually, or otherwise.
Believing that our Lord Jesus will return.

We fight together, in his name.
Each time we love and trust God, we see you.
As the powerless worm you are.

We all know that God has a plan.
One day he will return and make all anew.
He will BOOM! You can only whisper.

God Speaks

Where are you my child?
I know you are sad, angry and in pain.
But I have been all these things and more.

Please just talk to me.
I am waiting at the door.
When you are ready, let me in.

To you I sent my son.
So that we could talk again.
Because I love you... whatever.