Wednesday, September 16, 2015

My computer broke last month so here it is now...

I am single

I am single.
I am single.
But you seem nice, friendly,attractive...
I am single.
What's wrong? Do you lack confidance?

Let me explain...
I am single because that's my marital satus.
There is nothing wrong, and I'm not gay.
I'm contented and not lonely.
Because I am a single person in a group of
people that I care about and that care about me.
Being single doesn't mean being alone.

But why don't I yern for male compainionship?
What makes me contented?
How am I not searching for a partner?

The answer is that it is okay to be single.
Being single is actually a good and
helpful experiance, however long it lasts.
It is not a problem
that needs to be fixed.

After all Christ was single.
And he had not problem with it.
Neither did Paul.
Paul thought of singleness as a spritual gift.
In 1 Corithians 7:7 Paul says;
"I wish that all men were as I am.
But each man has his own gift from God,
one has this gift another has that."

Getting married and starting a family
is not my main goal in life.
My life has a purpose; to honour God
and serve him. Married  or single.
I will live for him because he cares
about me and for me.

I don't know what God has planed for me.
I don't know what the future holds.
I just know that it will be filled with purpose.

The question is not "why am I single?"
The question is "how can I use my spriual gift
to the full while I'm still privalaged to possess it?"

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