Saturday, April 4, 2015

A decision made with love

Mark 14:36;
‘And he said “Abba, Father all things are possible unto thee;
take away this cup from me:
nevertheless not what I will but what thou wilt”’
At Christmas we celebrate a birth.
At Easter we celebrate a death and a new life for many.
Those lost, now found.
Those dead, now alive.
Those against, now for.

And why?
To fulfill and ancient prophecy?
To provide an interesting story to pass on?
To have something to pick at?

If he’d said no there would be 
No redemption,
No connection,
No family,
No Easter eggs.
If he had not obeyed his father.

But out of his great love for us he did.
He wasn't pressured.
He wasn't caught off guard.
He was intentional.

For him there was little loyalty.
For him there was little pity.
For him there was much pain.
For him there was separation.
For him there was loss of life.
But for us there was an abundance of Grace.

On that day a new life was created.
On that day there was the gift of redemption.
So accept it with thankfulness.
Don’t leave it by the wayside of life.
Instead grip it with vigor.
Let it fill you up until you are
Compelled to share it.
Remember it, and that with God 
Nothing is impossible. 

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