There are times when I’ve yearned for
my emotions to simply cease.
But what would that look like? After
contemplating the question, I resolved that if we eradicated all feelings…
grief, loneliness, comfort, jealously, satisfaction, affection, joy, hatred,
compassion, envy, anxiety, dispiar, anger, shame, joy…
Leaving them all behind would destroy
our motivation, empathy and sense of purpose.
We need to feel. If we became entirely
apathetic we could not feel for others. Never having experienced, and therefore
not able to understand, where the other person is and how they are feeling.
It is deeply encouraging to me to know
that Jesus knew how painful it can be to live in this world
- but he came regardless.
- but he came regardless.
He came so that we might not endure
the estrangement, but the adoption.
So that we may know the happiness
amongst the grief. The colour against the black.
For what we did not earn he gave in
abundance. He gave his grace.
A treasure that will never spoil or fade.
Now when emotions make strong attempts
to overwhelm me, I will recall him who triumphs.
I will put on the armour of God as I
prepare for battle. As I march out surrounded by other Christians, I will
remember that I do not struggle alone. With the support of my brothers and
sisters, I am not alone. None of us are, God is with us… Always.
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