Sunday, February 25, 2018

To my sister, who challenges me with love.

People are afraid of what they do not understand.
Some even avoid the unknown-
People that look and act differently to what they consider 'normal'
Music, listening to other languages, music, cultures, and accents and pronunciations, 
that they cannot understand, and so don't begin to make the attempt. 

Some time ago I became aware that I did this too. 
I then set myself a challenge to try the things that scared me. 
Try new things, talking to people different from me, 
embracing and acknowledging new ideas. 
I joined a Gaelic Choir, began to learn sign language and 
had more in-depth conversations with my sister (a Geologist). 

Doing these things has taught me that not understanding something 
can in fact be invigorating. 
There are two reactions- to wonder, say this is amazing, yet then just walk away.
Or to admire and to get inspired to discover more
about the astounding world we live in.

I once did only the former, now I rejoice in continuously doing the latter. 
Because I believe that we need to do a little of each, a little salt, a little pepper. 
We must investigate to marvel; to become lost in our admiration of, 
what I consider to be, God's intriguing and intricate creation.  
To rejoice in every sensation, uncovering each pattern within.

Now I challenge you readers, grow with me as human beings. 
As a tree sprouting new leaves from its nodes,
letting them develop into leaves, and from leaves to form branches. 
Go on... try something new, do something that scares you, allow yourselves to 
look beyond your own personal understanding. It may just be worth it.

Perhaps together we can create something unique.  
Diversity might then cease to make us tremble. 
Be brave... share with me in my delight. 

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

There are times when I’ve yearned for my emotions to simply cease.
But what would that look like? After contemplating the question, I resolved that if we eradicated all feelings… grief, loneliness, comfort, jealously, satisfaction, affection, joy, hatred, compassion, envy, anxiety, dispiar, anger, shame, joy…

Leaving them all behind would destroy our motivation, empathy and sense of purpose.
We need to feel. If we became entirely apathetic we could not feel for others. Never having experienced, and therefore not able to understand, where the other person is and how they are feeling.
It is deeply encouraging to me to know that Jesus knew how painful it can be to live in this world
- but he came regardless.

He came so that we might not endure the estrangement, but the adoption.
So that we may know the happiness amongst the grief. The colour against the black.
For what we did not earn he gave in abundance. He gave his grace. 
A treasure that will never spoil or fade.

Now when emotions make strong attempts to overwhelm me, I will recall him who triumphs.
I will put on the armour of God as I prepare for battle. As I march out surrounded by other Christians, I will remember that I do not struggle alone. With the support of my brothers and sisters, I am not alone. None of us are, God is with us…  Always.