Sunday, May 9, 2021

The Call

I felt the call.

The call of faith

To accept and help

Those that do not fit

In a world reluctant to change


So sorry for not getting it

The way everyone else does

It is not consistently said

Editing who you are is painful.


I have been there.

Like too many have

It is not even or fair.

listen, ask, think, and act.

How can I make this better?  

Look Beyond


Look beyond.

Beyond prejudice.

Beyond opinion.

Beyond yourself.


Look ahead.

At the person here.

Not far away. Not in rule books.

There is compassion needed here.


Look inside.

In your community.

Question what your reactions are and why.

For together we can make change.

If we listen and give voice to everyone.


Can you be sure that your response reflects Christ?

He included outcasts. The exclude and the judged.

People who were pushed aside and told to be quiet.

He encouraged and empowered women and all people.

Will we do the same?


“Whatever you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the God’s glory…”

1 Corithians 10:31

" Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and edification". 

Romans 14:19

“there is neither jew nor gentile, slave nor free, nor is there male nor female, 

for you are all one in Jesus Christ." 

Galatians 3:28