Grief is different for everyone
Grief is shaped by why it has come
Grief is nesscessary to allow for healing.
Grief can hurt without limit.
Grief takes awhile to get used to.
Grief can be there as long as is needed.
Grief takes sometime to befriend.
Grief, I was avoiding, dreading your arrival.
But now I see you, standing before me.
You hurt me to repair me.
Like a dislocated limb being put back in place.
There is a sudden jolt of the bone, as it is put back in.
The people around me help me to go through the motions.
The dislocation will have always happened.
Yet with it, my strength has grown as love is shown.
At one time or another, we have all known you Grief.
So we are there for oneanother, through your visits.
If we did not experiance and learn to accept your presence...
We would not be full human beings.
Even Jesus wept. Fully God and fully man, he wept.
Together we can learn to say the words:
'Thanks for coming Grief. I know you better now.
Untill we meet again...'