Thursday, January 16, 2020

Fire Extinguisher

-Dedication: To all the Fire Fighters in NSW... thank you.-

Flames. Any kind.
Easy to exacerbate. Easy to create. 
But hard to tame. 
How do you lessen a flame?

It takes time to quell.
Why? Because fire is powerful.
Angry fire, boiling emotions.
Fire is real, hot, and decimates fast.

How to make still? Still enough to quench?
We'll need resources: patience, time, respect.
A clear head and a calm presence.
Let it still and slowly soften the flame.

It is love.
 Love that gives what is needed.
To save relationships, treasures and life.
The willingness to fight back  the flames.

So thank you to firefights of NSW.
Those who put themselves at risk,
to save others, often strangers.  
Thank you for showing us bravery. 

For your example we can find courage to fight.
To fight flames of anger and powerful emotions. 
To help others fight internal flames.
To say 'hey, let's take a breath together'. 

Because if a fire-fighter can stand up to flames...
Then so must I. 
With you by my side. 
Luke 18: "For nothing is impossible with God"

Thursday, January 2, 2020

"Come to me, my people"

"They will be my people and I will be there God@. Sath the Lord.

Why do I complain?
I have been a victom, yes. But lately that is all.

Lord, I have paused on your path.
At times I even forgot.

So filled with sorrow I could not see.
Could not sing as I walked along.
Stumbling, on I stayed.

Why? because nothing could separate
me from you God my Father.
Somthing keeps me traveling on.
For I trust the one who first trod.

Christ, the one sent to guide.
To be the light in the darkness.
So I follow the light.
The one who has borne many burdens.

Always bringing me back.
Picking me up. Taking me home.
Pursading me to eat and drink.
Oh, to be nurished my your word.

Thankyou for not letting me go.
When I am ready to give up.
You are are not. So here I come.
To you, most high God.

Forever I am yours.