Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Simple Words

I wrote this after I prayed for the first time in a long while. I had been unable to form the words. Then I remembered that God didn't need me to use elaborate sentences... just simple words. 

I'm sorry Lord.

I haven't spoken.

Kept my distress.

Thought faith unimportant.

Father I was wrong.

Sobbing without you.

It was wrong to turn away.

Today you tapped my shoulder.

"Are you okay, my daughter?"

"No." I broke down.

"I am shattered."

Exhausted, in his arms I rest.

"I thought I had lost you!"

"No. You were always in my hands."

"Oh... I forgot."

"I missed you, Abba Father."

"I'm sorry. Will you lead me back always?"

"Yes. Always. Remember?"

..."It is finished."

And I can almost hear God adding:" I love you- my goose".