Saturday, March 2, 2019


We laugh.
It makes us feel better.
Covers up and relieves pain.

The best laughter is genuine.
Sometimes we just keep laughing.
For it is more preferable than sorrow.

We can be are released from our troubles.
When we let others it makes us truly happy.
So we continue to relish in that sensation.

Good company consists of those we laugh with.
People whose laughter is contagious.
So when was the last time you laughed?

Not a Barbie Doll

I am not a Barbie Doll.
My body is not perfect.
I don't tick all the boxes.

My body is loved as is.
All bumps, bones and curves.
I work to achieve my goals.

Being real is better.
Working for what you wait for makes you value it.
Causing you to not just get, but learn and grow.

Thank-you Father for the ability to choose.
The choice to be real.
The ability to look beneath the surface.

Ode to Recyled Reading


To the second hand bookshop in Epping, Sydney.

Where do in find the words?
Is the smell still there?

If we where to gather all the memories of  people who have lingered...
Could we recreate you? No.
But we can lament as one.

I remember reading, traveling, and seeing little notes.
Oh, let us adventure and benefit from the tales of others.
All that is left is the clock, telling the time we forgot.

In our hearts and in our shelves we will keep.
Just like the little treasures placed upon the wall.
For now is the time for us to share your story.