Hello Readers,
First of all, thank you for taking the time to read the poems I write.
Because I know that they are being read,
I recently decided to do something daring.
I've collated my poems into a book of poems.
All by me and available on my publisher's website;
Xibris: https://www.xlibris.com/Bookstore/BookSearchResults.aspx?Search=while%20we%20wait
My new book can also be found on;
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com.au/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_10_6?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=while+we+wait&sprefix=while+%2Caps%2C352&crid=2FZZT6OTCGMIR&rh=i%3Aaps%2Ck%3Awhile+we+wait
So please, if you would like to hold my book in your hands, click on the links above.
Thankyou 😊
Saturday, November 17, 2018
Friday, November 16, 2018
In our culture if you don't drive you lack a skill.
One that you should learn.
People see the benefits of driving.
But consider the benefits of not driving,
rather than the defects.
Independance. Less pollution.
Less fatigued drives on the roads,
and therefore risk of accidents.
This could result in healthier more active people,
catching public transport, getting work done,
books read and listened to,
being able to just look around them and take note.
Not just experiencing road rage,
but even walking or riding to work.
Arriving at their destination not irritable, but calmer.
Yes, I do concede that there are advantages to driving.
Faster commute, helping other people get places,
who can't catch public transport.
Why do we press only one point of view?
One that you should learn.
People see the benefits of driving.
But consider the benefits of not driving,
rather than the defects.
Independance. Less pollution.
Less fatigued drives on the roads,
and therefore risk of accidents.
This could result in healthier more active people,
catching public transport, getting work done,
books read and listened to,
being able to just look around them and take note.
Not just experiencing road rage,
but even walking or riding to work.
Arriving at their destination not irritable, but calmer.
Yes, I do concede that there are advantages to driving.
Faster commute, helping other people get places,
who can't catch public transport.
Why do we press only one point of view?
Friday, November 2, 2018
Hard. Easy. Partners. Friends.
Family. Colleges. Questionable.
Why do we value each
Do we value that person in our lives?
or just how it makes us feel?
What we can get out of it?
Good or Bad?
People come in all shapes and
They come, and they go from our
Those that mean something to us
are the ones that stay.
So, who do you make time for
and who makes time for you?
How do you show that you care?
When was the last time that you
told them?
Hugged them? Sent them a
Self-sacrificing love means
going out of your way to
demonstrate that you care,
making you words match your actions.
Making someone dinner, doing
their laundry, driving them home.
All are examples of
self-sacrificial love.
This is how Jesus loves us.
Without us having loved him first.
Often, we serve others in the
subconscious knowledge that they
may well return the favour,
love us in return.
When was the last time you
simply loved someone without that expectation?
In a way that hurt you and
helped them?
Lord teach us how to love.
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