Dedication: To Choo, who we remember with much fondness.
Choo was a rescue dog, we are still not sure who rescued who.
Choo was a gorgeous, daggy dog.
Choo was always a very dear, very intelligent, selfless, and protective animal.
Choo was a family dog, sure to make the saddest heart smile.
She had the goofiest grin.
She made an effort to be with her people, even if moving hurt her.
She was most contented when she was with those she loved, chicken or not.
Choo taught me to relax, take it slow and treasure each moment.
Choo made everyone's days brighter and better.
Choo would dance when we came home.
Choo would sleep by your side, twitching and groaning with content if the mood took her.
She was the best of companions.
She didn't ask questions, or pester you for attention, knowing that you where there was enough.
She was there for us all, from first to last.
R.I.P you wonderful and beautiful hound. Best of friends.