Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Family Christmas

At Christmas time we make a fuss.
Clean, cook, organise, deal with certain
family members, and clean again.
We forget why we do it.
Lose the joy we had as children.
Discover a whole month of stress.

I'm an adult now.
I've uncovered that stress that was
hidden from me as a child.
I disregard the 'Christ' and only think
about the 'mass'.
The mass of things that need to be done.

This Christmas my levels of anxiety
have mounted considerably.
I have been so busy with work,
singing and organising choir
that I've been absent minded
about the person I'm celebrating in song.
Ironic, isn't it?

Christmas is about joy.
As Christians we rejoice as one.
We praise the Lord as we thank him
for sending his son to bring us him.
To show us great mercy and love
in adopting us as his children.

I think the reason the friends and families
gather is to remember that we can be
part of Gods' family...
If we simply are humble,
accepting his grace.

My church family are people
that I'll never tire of spending time with.
Particularly at Christmas.
You see, even though we come from
different backgrounds, cultures, and
life experiences, in Christ we are one.
We are a great forever growing family.
Body and soul.