we deceive ourselves and the
truth is not in us. If we confess
our sins, he is faithful and just
and will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all unrighteousness.
If we claim we have not sinned,
we make him out to be a liar
and his word is not in us."
1 John:8-10.
Sometimes I am angry
Sometimes I am angry.
I deceive myself. Because
I simply don't want to admit
the sensation. So I allow it
and give various masks by
calling it frustration, annoyance
and 'not wanting to become a
pushover', and so on.
But really I know I'm just in denial.
When I do this I choose to forget the
numerous times that he hasn't been
angry at me but instead has
shown me mercy.
After all the wrong we have done
our heavenly father he is still loving
and compassionate and
continuously forgives us.
Why? Why can he do this?
Because he sent his son to pay
the price for our sins so that
we might become his
sons and daughters.
If we are to resemble our father
then when should we become angry?
What occasions can we possibly
call anger righteous anger?
Abuse of power,
Mistreatment of the vulnerable,
Preaching a false gospel.
While these things are worth
becoming angry about
they are equally worth doing
something about.
So next time remember that Jesus
had to die to save you
and not just them.
Be patient and loving like your father.
And canal it into doing something.
Like serving others, making a
difference, and showing compassion.
Don't let your rage control you.
Pray that God might help you to
control it. For with him nothing
is impossible.